Current connection without access to Internet:
Wall phone socket <--RJ11--> Thomson SpeedTouch ADSL modem <--RJ45--> Mio box <--Composite--> TV
Connection with wire/wireless Internet access:
(1) Wall phone socket <--RJ11--> Thomson SpeedTouch ADSL modem <--RJ45--> Linksys WRT54G (WAN)
(2) Linksys WRT54G (Port 1) <--RJ45-->Mio box <--Composite--> TV
(3) Linksys WRT54G (Port 2/3/4) <--RJ45--> PC
(4) Linksys WRT54G (WLAN) <--wireless--> PC
To do: Need to put Port 1 in the same VLAN as the WAN port. The MIO box cannot work after NAT/Firewall. To enable changes for Port 1 to VLAN 0, we need to tick the "Tagged" box. Once changed, unchecked the "Tagged" box.
To do: Setup PPPoE in Linksys to connect to SingNet. You have to disable the PPPoE connection in the Thomson SpeedTouch modem if you have set it there.