August 20, 2010

System error 1222 - The network is not present or not started

Getting System error 1222 when using net use command in Windows XP.

C:\>net use
System error 1222 has occurred.

The network is not present or not started.

Search the web ...

(1) Solution 1 -

Start the Workstation service to fix this; here is how to do that.
  1. Go to the Start menu
  2. Click on “Run…”
  3. Type in “services.msc” and then click on OK
  4. Find the Workstation service in the list and right click
  5. Select Start from the popup menu
This should take care of the issue.

(2) Solution 2 -

If you receive the subject message and/or \\ the network is not started, it may be that you have a missing or incorrect entry in the registry, preventing Mpr.dll (Multiple Provider Router) from determining the network provider. Edit:


There should be an Order sub-key which contains a value name of ProviderOrder, a type REG_SZ, which should have a text string of LanmanWorkstation. If these are not present or different, add or change them.


  1. That is a life-saver tip! Looks like my Lotus Notes install has removed all entries in this key bar the npnotes64 entry and rendered SMB unoperable. Adding LanmanWorkstation to this key solved all my problems. Thanks!

  2. Thanks, Solution 2 saved me, too

  3. solution 2 works like a magic, but make sure you restart your machine after this reconfiguration.

  4. Obrigado, a solução 2 me salvou também!

  5. Solution 1 help me to resolve the problem. thank you

  6. This is a life saving tip! I spent half a day looking for solutions for "net use error 67" or "explorer map driver error 0x8004005". Tanks
